
Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)


Title Author Year arrow_drop_up
La mort glorieuse de soixante et un chrestiens de Macao décapitez pour la confession de nostre sainte foy à Nangazaqui, au royaume du Japon, le 4 d'aoust l'an 1640 : extraite de la relation faicte en langue portugaise par le R. P. Antoine François Cardin, de la Compagnie de Jésus ... avec la copie d'une lettre de Hollande touchant la glorieuse confession de quatre Pères de la mesme compagnie et de trois autres chrestiens mis à mort au mesme royaume du Japon sur la fin de l'an 1642
Cardim, Antonio Francisco,auteur 1643
Relazione del martirio de Padri F. Pietro Martire Sans Vescovo Mauricastrense. F. Francesco Serrano eletto Vescovo Tipasitano. F. Giovanni Alcober, F. Giovacchino Royo, e F. Francesco Diaz. Dell'Ord. De' Pred. Accaduto nella Provincia di Fokien nell'Impero della Cina Negli Anni 1747 e 1748.
Abstract of a letter from Stephen De Visme, Esq., at Canton, in China, to Henry Baker, F.R.S. containing an account of an earthquake at Macao, and a short description of a singular species of monkeys witout tails, found in the interior of Bengal
Baker, M.,author 1769
Art militaire des chinois, ou recueil d'anciens traités sur la guerre : composés avant l'ere chrétienne, par différents généraux chinois : ouvrages sur lesquels les aspirants aux grades militaires sont obligés de subir des examens ...
A narrative of the British embassy to China in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794 : containing the various circumstances of the embassy with accounts of customs and manners of the Chinese and a description of the country, towns, cities, etc., etc.
Anderson, Aeneas,author. 1795
An historical geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire comprehending a description of the fifteen provinces of China, Chinese Tartary, tributary states, natural history of China, government, religion, laws, manners and customs, literature, arts, sciences, manufactures, &c.
Winterbotham, William,author 1795
A complete view of the Chinese empire : exhibited in a geographical description of that country, a dissertation on its antiquity, and a genuine and copious account of Earl Macartney's embassy from the King of Great Britain to the emperor of China
Winterbotham, William,author,editor. 1798
Some account of the public life, and a selection from the unpublished writings, of the Earl of Macartney the later consisting of extracts from an account of the russian empire, a sketch of the political history of Ireland [...]
Barrow, John, 1807
Di Marco Polo e degli altri viaggiatori Veneziani
Zurla, Placido,autore 1818
Die Chinesische Küste der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao : der Provinz Kuang-tung, zu beiden Seiten des Meridians von Macao
Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm,author 1834

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